There are some rules to this sh*t...

Understand YOUR goals
Everyone has to approach the gym differently.
Come in with a plan, Set a goal, Execute.
We will create a training plan for you based on your short-term and long-term fitness desires.
Regardless of your goals, come prepared to TRAIN HARD
STRENGTH MATTERS. Whether your goals are to lose weight, tone your body or gain muscle; getting strong is a great way to work towards your goals in the fastest way possible, make your joints feel better & boost your metabolism. Getting progressively stronger is one of the best things you can do for your body.

Learning to control your muscles not only makes you able to get BETTER RESULTS FASTER, but allows you to understand how to efficiently move weights to grow.
Understanding where your body is in time & space or "proprioception" allows you truly understand your body and most importantly manage your recovery.
This aspect of training is often swept aside and deprioritized but from our experience it makes a HUGE difference.
Your muscles do not understand weight. your muscles do not understand reps and sets.
Your muscles understand TENSION & FATIGUE.
Using a relatively heavy load on an exercise you have a good connection /feeling with will always yield more gains than swinging around the most weight possible. It is easy to get caught up in progressive overload (which is a great tool) but truly feeling the tension in a muscle for the most amount of time is key.

"Show up and show out"
I want to see you putting your heart towards your dreams. One factor that time & time again trumps just about everything in the gym is SHEER EFFORT. The guy ego-lifting in the corner until absolute failure will beat the "leave 3 in the tank on every lift" gymbro every time. You do not need to bring every set to failure, but you have to try to push your limits every time you enter the gym.
To grow you must rest.
To grow you must eat.
Prioritizing recovery is not as simple as some people make it seem. Recovery involves regulated eating, stretching / mobilization, gut health management, high protein intake, sleep hygiene, Cardiovascular improvement & periodization
We will build a system together to help you thrive in areas where you are lacking, and improve/utilize on current strengths.